Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Hello Parents-

We have 6 weeks until performance week and I'd like to get going on costumes! We will be having a costume check on Friday, March 1stHere is what you will need to provide for your child's costume:

Parents will need to provide the following for their child’s costume

White Rabbits- White Sweat Pants/Jeans or Leggings, White Long Sleeve Shirt, Black Shoes

Garden Flowers- Green Sweat Pants/Jeans or Leggings, Green Long Sleeve Shirt, Black Shoes (any color green is fine)

Card Soldiers- Black Sweat Pants/Jeans or Leggings, White Long Sleeve Shirt, Black Shoes

LOOK at the following places if you don't already have these items at home: Walmart, Target, Kohls, Sams Club, Hobby Lobby, Deseret Industries (DI), Savers. 

Please let me know if you have any questions. I will be out of town this week, but will be checking my email often and will get back to you as soon as I can.


1. If you missed the T-shirt order and still want to get one, let me know. If we get at least 10 orders I can place another order that will come in 2-3 weeks. 

2. ALSO...plan on your child (all ensemble groups) coming to BOTH TUESDAY and FRIDAY rehearsals starting on FEBRUARY 26th.

Thanks.....we are having so much fun!!!

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