Sunday, February 17, 2013


Hello Parents-

We only have FOUR weeks until our Performance week for the School Play (March 18-22). Things are running smoothly and we are getting really excited to show you what we have been working on. Our Ensemble Groups (White Rabbits, Card Soldiers, Garden Flowers) have mastered their parts!! I can tell they are ready because they are starting to get a little bored at their Friday Rehearsals. SO, I am pushing back the date they need to start coming on Tuesdays to TUESDAY, MARCH 5TH. That will give them 2 extra practices to learn their entrance and exit for their number. I think that will be plenty.

Our Costume Check will be on FRIDAY, MARCH 1st. Please have your child bring/wear their costume to practice so we can make sure everyone has the correct costume. I have seen more GREEN options at Walmart recently for the Garden Flowers. Any pants/jeans or legging will work.

We are still accepting T-SHIRT orders if you missed out. They are $7.50 each. Please email me at if interested.

As always...please let me know if you have any questions. The best way to get a hold of me is by email 

Thanks for all your support....


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