Alice in Wonderland School Play Requirements

Thanks for your interest in the Ellison Park Elementary PTA sponsored Alice in Wonderland productionPlease read through these requirements very carefully. Students and parents must agree to and INITIAL ALL conditions in order to participate in the school play.
Please initial the following:

1. ________Students must attend ALL rehearsals required. If a student misses more than 2 rehearsals, they will not be in the play. Appointments, family vacations, and/or separate extra-curricular activities are not valid excuses for missing rehearsal. If a student misses any portion of any rehearsal for any reason, they may not be in certain scenes. If there is a prolonged sickness (with doctor’s note) or valid emergency, the student and parent must contact Amy Turner ( personally and make arrangements. Please carefully look over the calendar as there will be no exceptions made!

2. ________ Parents must pick up their child/children immediately after rehearsals. Children will not be allowed to walk home. Children not picked up within 15 minutes after rehearsals will be issued a written warning, which they will need to sign and return. After 3 warnings, they will not be in the play. Please do not leave siblings or other children at the school during rehearsal. Only specified cast members will be allowed in the auditorium. Parental volunteers may bring their own children with them, as long as they are not a distraction. Nobody is allowed in any undesignated area at any time!

3. ________ Students will be expected to follow these rules:
*Complaining, being unkind, or any type of negativity will not be tolerated.
*Students must follow all school rules, speak kindly, and respect others.
*Students may NOT leave until excused. No roaming the school for any reason.
*Students must be willing to stay focused and remain on task at all times.
*If needed, discipline action will be given in a formal written warning.
After 2 warnings, the student will be out of the play.

4. ________ Parents with students in the play will be required to volunteer 2 rehearsals per child. We are ALL volunteers here and will need all the help we can get. Parents will need to chaperone at least two (2) rehearsals or complete given assignments in one of the following areas: costumes, scenery, props, stage management, choreography, lighting, sound, publicity, etc. Any additional volunteer hours will be rewarded with priority seats. (There will NOT be any priority seats for sale this year, so, you will have to put in your time if you want front row seats! ****6 additional rehearsals = 2 priority tickets)
Please contact : LeAnna Hamblin at  and choose where you can be the most effective.

5. ________Alice in Wonderland will be performed on:
March 21st and March 22nd at 7:00 p.m.
The following extra rehearsals are mandatory attendance for all cast members:
3 tech/dress rehearsals, Monday-Wednesday, March 18th-20th  from 3:30-5:30.
2 assembly dress rehearsals, Thursday and Friday, March 21st-22nd at 2:00pm and 9:00am.

6. ________ Parents are responsible for ALL costumes. We may be able to rent costumes for the Lead Parts again if our budget allows. We will keep you posted on this. By having your child participate, you agree to provide an approved costume for them. You may be responsible to purchase, assemble, coordinate, and/or sew your child’s costume. The costume committee will provide outlined requirements and ideas for simple, affordable costumes. Costumes will be assessed and approved on March 8, 2013. Your child’s costume will need to be finalized by March 15, 2013 in order for your child to participate.

7. ________ All students may participate in the play with no audition necessary, BUT all who desire a speaking or vocal part must audition. Auditions will be held on December 14th from 1:30-4:30. Children who are in kindergarten are welcome to participate, but please note they will only be rehearsing on Fridays. All kindergartners will automatically be cast as a White Rabbit!

8. ________ Students will need to learn, practice, and memorize all music, blocking, choreography, and speaking parts at home in addition to regular rehearsals.

9. ________You will be able to find helpful information and updates on this blog:

10. ________If you need to contact Amy Turner (School Play Director), please email:
Student Agreement:
I understand and agree to ALL the school play requirements. I promise to be on time to all rehearsals, learn my part, obey school rules, be kind and respectful, and help make Alice in Wonderland a positive experience for everyone.
By signing this form, I accept all responsibility notated and/or implied.

Student’s Printed Name:                                                                    

Student’s Signature:                                                                  Date:                         

Parent Agreement:
By signing this form you indicate that you have read, understand, and agree to ALL the Ellison Park Elementary PTA sponsored school play requirements. Your signature is a pledge to fulfill your required volunteer hours and you also agree to support your child throughout the entire process by helping them learn their part,  making sure they attend all rehearsals, and are picked up on time. You give your consent for your child’s photographs, videos, and any other likeness to be used in connection with the school play. You also release the parent volunteers from liability and personally accept full responsibility and accountability for your child.
By signing this form, you accept all responsibility notated and/or implied.

Parent’s Printed Name:                                                                                  

Parent’s Signature:                                                                               Date:                         

Contact Phone Number:                                               Email:                                                           

Volunteer Area(s) of Interest:                                                                                    

Emergency Contact: ­­­______________________________________________________

Phone Number: _________________________________________________________

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