Parents will need to provide the following for their child’s costume

White Rabbits- White Sweat Pants, White Long Sleeve Shirt, Black Shoes

Garden Flowers- Green Sweat Pants, Green Long Sleeve Shirt, Black Shoes

Card Soldiers- Black Sweat Pants, Plain White Long Sleeve T-Shirt, Black Shoes

Storytellers- Black Sweat Pants, Colored Plain T-Shirt, Black Shoes. 
**Each storyteller will be assigned a different colored T-Shirt depending on their part. 

Leads- Depending on what we can rent you may have to provide a portion of your costume. We will keep you posted!

If you have any questions about the costumes please contact Amy Turner at Luckily, we have found a great company who is willing to let us rent quite a few costumes and props for the main characters. We have worked really hard to keep your portion as minimal as possible. We appreciate your understanding.  

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