Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Hello Parents-

We have 6 weeks until performance week and I'd like to get going on costumes! We will be having a costume check on Friday, March 1stHere is what you will need to provide for your child's costume:

Parents will need to provide the following for their child’s costume

White Rabbits- White Sweat Pants/Jeans or Leggings, White Long Sleeve Shirt, Black Shoes

Garden Flowers- Green Sweat Pants/Jeans or Leggings, Green Long Sleeve Shirt, Black Shoes (any color green is fine)

Card Soldiers- Black Sweat Pants/Jeans or Leggings, White Long Sleeve Shirt, Black Shoes

LOOK at the following places if you don't already have these items at home: Walmart, Target, Kohls, Sams Club, Hobby Lobby, Deseret Industries (DI), Savers. 

Please let me know if you have any questions. I will be out of town this week, but will be checking my email often and will get back to you as soon as I can.


1. If you missed the T-shirt order and still want to get one, let me know. If we get at least 10 orders I can place another order that will come in 2-3 weeks. 

2. ALSO...plan on your child (all ensemble groups) coming to BOTH TUESDAY and FRIDAY rehearsals starting on FEBRUARY 26th.

Thanks.....we are having so much fun!!!

Friday, January 25, 2013



On January 10th I sent out an email to everyone who signed up for the play. In this email, I attached an MP3 copy of the music (2 songs for the opening number, and their ensemble number) PLUS a copy of the words your child needs to be learning for their parts. I NEED YOUR HELP!! Please work with your children and play the music as often as you can. I believe the more they hear the music, the better they will learn, know and perform it. Keep checking the blog for up to date information, and please do not hesitate to email 
me at anytime if you have any questions! Rehearsals are going great and we're moving right along!!


P.S. Next Tuesday rehearsal for Lead/Speaking parts is after school EARLY OUT 1:30-3:00!! P.P.S T-shirts will be handed out next Friday, February 1st.    

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


This FRIDAY's rehearsal is from 1:30pm-3:00pm for the WHOLE CAST. We will split up and work in our Ensemble groups and then meet together as a whole cast to work on the Opening and Finale Numbers.

T-SHIRT ORDERS have been extended till this FRIDAY due to our Snow Day last week. Friday will be the LAST DAY TO ORDER T-SHIRTS!!!!

LAST DAY to turn in PARENT CONTRACTS will be this FRIDAY!

I have emailed out the SCRIPTS to all those who have speaking parts and also MUSIC (mp3 format and lyrics) to the whole cast. If you have not received the music from me, please let me know by email at I have emailed these to you so that you can work with your child at home!